13th International School on Theoretical Physics
Symmetry and Structural Properties of Condensed Matter
Rzeszów 10-15 September 2018
The International School of Theoretical Physics „Symmetry and Structural Properties of Condensed Matter” (SSPCM) was founded by Professor Tadeusz Lulek and started in 1990 in Zajączkowo, Poland. Initiated by the Division of Mathematical Physics led by Professor Tadeusz Lulek, it was first organized by the Institute of Physics of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. The next four editions were held in the same place, and the following five took placed in Myczkowce. These were organized under the auspices of the Rzeszów Higher Pedagogical School, the University of Rzeszów and Rzeszów University of Technology. Since 2014 the school has been held in Rzeszów.
The main subject of the conference has remained essentially the same since its inception, and is related to advanced mathematical methods applicable to condensed matter physics. Topics include quantum information, exactly solvable models, correlations in low-dimensional systems, nanophysics, spintronics, and more. During its nearly two decade history, the conference has hosted many outstanding scientists from all over the world, and introduced many young scientists to the cutting edge of condensed matter physics research.
Proceedings of the first seven editions of the conference have been published by World Scientific Publishing Company, and the last three in Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Institute of Physics Publishing.